CHAFF, which stands for the Chamber of Assistance for Finns and Foreigners, started as small informal group of four persons, Bill Zhang from China, Kamutaza Tembo for Zambia, Saikou Marong from Gambia and Jacob Matthan from India.
The purpose was to help any Finns and Foreigners,in any possible practical way, based on the combined experience of the group. It was to be a informal body with a rotating Chairperson.
Within a few weeks several new faces appeared at the meetings. The group was helping people in several different ways. Solving problems of dealing with corrupt Finnish Businessmen, motivating foreigners to earn their livelihood, helping some with saving on the taxes, guiding people to invest money properly in Finland, sharing experiences in management, acting as an early warning system before uninitated foreigners were ripped off by others, solving physical abuse problems, helping small companies extricate themselves from financial and legal problems, were just some of the issues that were tackled during the course of the first six months.
The group has grown exponentially. It was felt that maybe a blog would help keep track of the activities of what the group is doing.

Kasarmin Area, 8th January 2006
The Sunday Club meetings are not held at any fixed location. The venue is chosen based on the number of people likely to attend. The financially well-off members host the less financially well-off as they help them climb out their sitaution.
The Pailin Thai Restaurant in the Kasarmin Area (Kenttätie 9) has offered the CHAFF Group their assistance and has provided all with good food at reasonable prices.
Success on solving problems so far is over 90%. Some of those who have been attending have pulled up their socks having been motivated by the combined enciouragement of the group members.
People from the following nationalities have attended the meetings:
Bangladesh, China, Czech, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Honduras, Hungary, India, Japan, Nigeria, Kenya, Thailand, USA, Zambia.
Anyone can post comments on the blog attached to any entry.
Meeting details will be posted on the blog. Dates, time and location for coming meetings will be also posted here.
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