Saturday, November 18, 2006

Some important news

Benjamin Hayes, our Chaff participant hailing from Australia, has written a great article about the Loy Krathong Festival.

Benjamin modeling a Thai outfit

The festival owes a lot to him for its success.

You get to it through this link.

Full Moon Shines at Loy Krathong, Written by Benjamin Hayes, Thursday, 16 November 2006

Happy reading.

We are likely to have a distinguished visitor at our next Chaff Meeting this Sunday.

Kenneth Kolson is at the University of Oulu teaching two courses - a lecture course on a North American city and a seminar on the history of Pittsburgh. You can read more on his Fulbrighter in Finland Diary.

Fumi and Mari

I also had a very nice post from a dear Chaff friend, Fumi, from Japan. She updated me with a picture of her and her lovely daughter Mari. Fumi wrote:

Mari is a calm baby so easy to handle. I had expected a more hectic life with a new born baby, but she's so quiet and easy so that we can still enjoy the time of our own.

Hope you can make it - 13:00 hours on Sunday 19th November at the Pailin Ravintola, Kenttätie 9, Kasarmi.

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